Grab our NEW ebook,

Wait! Don't Leave
Before We Get to Know You


If you've  wanted to write your life story, but procrastinated
or gave up, here's your chance to start up again
to make it to the finish line.

Get this unique 13-page ebook to dispel the fears
that experienced and beginning writers alike face
so you can move forward with creating your life story.




🤔Don't feel ready to tackle writing your life story right now?

Start by grabbing my free guide, "7 Reasons You Have Trouble Writing Your Life Story"

Learn what holds most of us back from writing our life stories and what to do about it.



You've put off writing your life story long enough.


Since you found your way here, I'm guessing you've  wanted to write your life story for a long time. Have you diligently kept a journal for many years, enjoyed researching family genealogy, chronicled  family history,  organized family photos, or even started writing that story, but soon got stuck and gave up on it? If so, you're not alone. Relax and know that you're in the right place. 

Does this sound like you?


You think writing your life story means churning out a 300+ page book like well-known memoirists.

 When you tried  to write your life story, you had no idea how to start.

 You feel like you're spinning your wheels, wasting time reading "how to" books and watching countless YouTube videos.


"Working in isolation is a dream killer." Barbara Sher

Jump into one of our services now

to experience the joy of bringing your personal story to life.


Online Workshops


Masterclasses and


    Free Resources


Enjoy learning tips, techniques

and strategies at your convenience. 


Choose the right class for you


Uncover some of the misconceptions about writing your life story and learn ways to kickstart your  journey.


Grab our free resources

Interactive online classes are the best way to begin your writing journey without geography being a barrier. 


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Your Life Story Matters Newsletter


Membership Site


 Coaching and Consultation


Enjoy learning tips, techniques

and strategies at your convenience. 



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Let's get busy with your life story
in one-on-one coaching or consultation.

Book a 30-minute complimentary discovery call to explore your writing goals and decide what arrangement is the best fit.


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  • Learn about new programs in the memoir, life story and genealogy community.

  • Discover activities, conferences, and online programming that can help you in your writing journey.

  • Enjoy contributions from your writing colleagues

  • Be the first to learn about new programs



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In spite of my degrees and teaching experience,
I didn't know how to start writing my personal life story either. 


It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want to write your life story, but not know where to start.  Writing your life story is very different from other types of writing. 

Over the past 6 years, I've discovered a technique to help the everyday people get the confidence and drive to easily complete the stories they have postponed for many years. I know how exhilirating it feels to finally bring your story to life. I want to help you experience that. 


Working in warm and supportive groups gives inspiration and accountability. 


Your life story can be shared in many forms.


Online masterclasses and workshops are convenient and comfortable.


When you choose one of our masterclasses or workshops, you're 3 steps away from transforming your life

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!



1. Choose to join our brave, warm, and  supportive class of like-minded people where you'll immediately feel at ease.


2. Complete the manageable activities and share with classmates in class as well as on the blog and newsletter if you wish.


3. Watch the dial move on your confidence and your writing skills as you receive clear training in class and  positive feedback as your life stories come alive.


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"Before I took the course, I had started my life story about a year ago.  It was buried in a folder on my computer and I was stuck getting back to it....with the support and connection to like-minded aspirants, I have not only returned to writing my life story, I now have the tools and confidence to complete it."

~Gladys Anderson
Marriage and Family Therapist


"Before the class, I was having trouble with just sitting down and writing. Since taking this class, I feel more motivated to write at least 1-3 times per week. The class helped me to see the importance of doing it and the pleasure of having a finished story to read.

~Don Ebberts      
One of Don's stories was featured in the blog with his permission.


"What a truly memorable day you gave all of us. You are organized, respectful, incredibly knowledgeable, encouraging, and an absolute delight. I feel honored to have been taught by you today. I wrote about an experience I've not shared before because you made the group so safe. "

~Tessa Kershnar
Marriage and Family Therapist