Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020--DAY 14: Essynce Moore

Essynce Moore from Hillside, New Jersey was 11 years old when she wrote her first book, “6th Grade Middle School Chronicles: Where No Secrets are Kept”, about the real-life middle school experiences she would share with her mom each day when she arrived home from school. Her mother encouraged her to write down her school encounters, and so she did.

In true entrepreneurial fashion, she skipped the path many authors take of being rejected by agents and traditional publishers first. Instead, she self-published her book and sold 1,000 copies. 

Over the next two years she wrote a new book for each year of middle school: 7th Grade Middle School Chronicles, "Oh Essynce, if only you could see the future..."  and 8th Grade Middle School Chronicles: The year that changed everything...Volume 3.

Her series has been so well-received that it is now mandatory reading in five states, including New York and New Jersey. She is the first teen to have her books as mandatory reading a part of schools’ curriculum.

In all fairness, becoming an author was not Essynce's first creative endeavor.  Based on doodles she created for fun at age 6, she launched her own official clothing line branded Essynce Couture, LLC with the motto “a child’s passion for fashion.” 

It's no surprise that she been in numerous fashion shows and pageants, as well as become a motivational speaker and actress. 

She was featured in 2013 TIME for Kids Magazine, honored in 2013 Entrepreneur of the Year by the Vashti School for Future Leaders, and appeared in Custody with Viola Davis and Maggie’s Plan with Julian Moore, as well as many other indie films.
Essynce is also a member of the New York Youth Chamber of Commerce (NYYCC).

For more about her, visit her website

 In the interview below she shares her journey and future plans.

If you're inspired by Essynce, share your thoughts on my Facebook group Your Life Story Matters



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