Detective Mom and the Truth

yourlifestorymatters Aug 30, 2021

Welcome to Our Guest Blogger
Marie Mason


Growing up as a child in a different time that I live in now, I was always taught to be seen and not heard as a girl growing up in the 60’s and 70s.  I was taught that you should not wear your heart on your sleeves and let people see your feelings or your true self. My family would tell me not to cry in public because it would show weakness and no one would respect you. I was also taught to speak the truth. I was taught that education is a great value to be shared.  So many lessons were taught to me by my family, teachers, mentors, and friends These are just a few of them. 

As I grew up into an adult in my 50’s, I can see how those lessons and values may have had merit in a different time.  Today, I have learned these truths.  In order to succeed in business and in life you need to be different and stand out above the crowd so that you will be noticed.

I have learned that it’s ok to wear your heart on your sleeves and be your authentic self and not to hide behind a mask of fear.  When you show your true authentic self you build real authentic friendships that last a lifetime.  By building these important friendships they help you to become stronger and a better person.  I have learned that sometimes you do need to cry in public.  In most cases you need to cry out and tell the world when they are making mistakes and help them to heal from them.  I learned that speaking the truth is necessary but dealing with the consequences is not always easy but is important to be able to live with yourself.  I have learned in my lifetime that we all learn differently and that it is ok to learn in a style that works for you. It does not mean you are any less educated. It means you are smarter for recognizing that you have to follow your own path and learn the lessons that life gives you.

The moral of my life's experiences is this: don't be afraid to follow your own path even if it is different from what everyone expects of you. The road may not always be easy but it is necessary to grow into the person you are meant to be. Don’t conform to what people tell you that you should be. You decide your own destiny and be bold, be brave, be true to yourself and the path that lies before you.  I know religious people want you to follow what our heavenly father has for you.  I believe that if you are given a dream, vision, and a goal and instructions on how to achieve plus people who are put in place to help you get there.  This is the secret of knowing that you are on the right path towards your destiny. Be brave and follow that path towards your destiny despite what others may think.  You have to be true to what is inside your heart.  Tell me in the Comments some of the lessons you learned in your lifetime.

Marie Mason is a business mindset coach and the founder of Strategy Lady Academy. She coaches solo entrepreneurs from around the world to gain clarity on creating an effective structure for their business model. She helps you create a clear foundation for your business plus marketing strategies, growing a team, & systemizing your workflows. By working with her, you will overcome the fear of failure, and procrastination, and have a profitable business model that you will be proud of. Learn more at

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