I'm celebrating Black History Month by looking for changemakers and trailblazers. #BlackHistoryMonth DAY 5-Jordan Anderson, after being freed from slavery by...
I'm celebrating Black History Month by looking for changemakers and trailblazers. DAY 4- Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove in poverty-stricken Louisiana...
Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove in poverty-stricken Louisiana in 1867, went from picking cotton to become the first self-made American woman...
I'm celebrating Black History Month by looking for changemakers and trailblazers. DAY 3- When Chef Shawn Davis, was turned down on Shark Tank for his shrimp...
I'm celebrating Black History Month by looking for changemakers and trailblazers. DAY 2- Hattie Mc Daniel was the first black entertainer to win an Oscar. She...
I'm celebrating Black History Month by looking for changemakers and trailblazers. DAY 1- Found Melissa Butler, CEO of Lip Bar. She and her partner survived a...
On the surface it seems writing your life story should be easy. After all, you’re the main character and all the experiences that make up your story are filed in your...
Yesterday a friend called to share how she had been inspired and empowered by watching Wayne Dyer on Super Soul Sunday. It made me reflect on what he has meant to my life....
Have you ever failed at something and for a moment felt devastated? If so, you’re in good company. History is loaded with examples of successful people who...
Every year as trick-or-treaters trail home on Halloween to tally their loot, writers around the world flex their fingers in readiness for National Novel Writing...
It’s no mistake that retailers begin pushing back-to-school merchandise months before traditional school openings. They know that capturing customers’ attention...
An ad from my local hardware store featured a party cooler for sale. The cooler was pictured filled with ice and canned soda, but printed in parentheses was “Sodas...
This is the most amazing time in history if you want to write a book. Whether you want to write your life story in your own handwriting to be left behind with your will for...
How did you do at your last book signing? If you’re like many authors, you sold three or fewer books. If you expect to do better than this grim statistic,...
Writing is by its nature a lonely business. We spend our time organizing ideas and fighting back self-doubt, so getting feedback from others can be helpful. Unfortunately,...
Reporters and other media are always under deadlines, so a service like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a tremendous help in getting the sources they need for their stories....
When my children were young we discovered what it meant to flow with the seasons of life. My husband and I had full-time careers, but our four children were at the...
When asked on their deathbeds what they regret, people often mention opportunities they missed out of fear, hesitance, or too much time spent working and earning money....